Contact Info
Loretta Carridan Luchau
telephone: 303.499.1234
Office Location: 3501 Nyland Way, Lafayette, Colorado 80026
From Denver:
Highway 36 to Storage Tek Dr. / Interlocken Loop ExitRight at the top of the exit (Storagetech Dr.)
1 mile to 2nd light, turn left (96th St.)
3.5 miles to 5th light, turn left (heading West on Baseline)
1 mile, turn left (South) on Nyland Way (mountains are always West)
(Landmark: Lafayette Water Treatment)
Take long drive into community
Park on the street/Nyland way
Walk South down Nyland Way, into South lot
Look for a stone stairway on right going down into field
Wooden fence on left, blue spruce tree on right
Left after wooden fence into yard
Follow flagstone path to patio
Glass door at garden level
#3501, blue house
© 2007 Loretta Carridan Luchau. Design by Andreas Viklund | xNavigation software.